Play Style
Hey yall! Thanks for checking out my page! I have been playing TTRPGs since around 2004, DMing since the mid-2010s, and exclusively DMing for multiple games since 2020. Aside from gaming, I am an avid student of cinematography and production, as well as graphic literature. Both serve as inspiration for how I design scenes and experiences to capture specific moments and feelings in my players. Aside from all that, I am a lifelong martial artist and music, with years of professional teaching experience in both categories.
Gaming Style
To me, the game is first and foremost a collaborative experience. Players pull the threads that interest them, and I as GM weave those threads into a cohesive and engaging narrative I can summarize my style best as experience-oriented. I focus on roleplay and exploration, typically (though not always) using theater of the mind. My combats are objective-oriented with win conditions besides "win the fight." Beyond the three pillars, I reward players for attempting sincere character beats, however they choose to express it. Some players do voices, some speak "for" their character, and some split the difference. However you do it, I encourage and support getting into the character. I'm also heavily focused on coaching when players want to develop some skill in the game, and will always attempt to match the energy a player is giving me.
Game experience
2003-2004 I started with the KoTor Sourcebook for Star Wars D20 2007 got into 3.5 2013 ish, Added new world/ eventually chronicles of darkness and started DMing 2014 5e came out and became my favorite dnd edition 2016 I learned BESM and have since used it for fun breezy arcs between more exhaustive campaigns 2020 I began GMing exclusively for 5e and chronicles of darkness, and other systems from time to time 2024 I've stepped into the professional space to try and share the communal storytelling experience with as many people as possible