Play Style

Cofounder of R4G. 30+ years of tabletop roleplaying, both as a GM and player. Looking forward to meeting all sorts of awesome GMs.
Gaming Style
I enjoy a mix of roleplaying and tactical combat. I would say I prefer a well built story and world, and combat / action come second to that. Unless I am knowingly signing up for a dungeon crawl, then in that case I know exactly what I am getting.
Game experience
The many gray hairs in my beard betray my age. I started playing ttrpgs in the 80s with AD&D 2e. I was hooked after a single session. Many nights were spent awake into the wee hours of the morning adventuring. Often interrupted by a parent informing out group of their need for sleep and that our volume was a direct detriment. ;-). I have tried my hand as Game Master and player across a number of systems. I currently enjoy Tales of the Valiant, Dungeon Crawl Classics, D&D 5e, Castles & Crusades, The One Ring, and have recently been tinkering with Call of Cthulhu, Powered by the Apocalypse, and 13th Age 2e.