
  • America/New_York
  • 4 Session run
  • 9 years GM experience
  • 10 years playing experience




DiscordFoundry VTTRoll20


World of DarknessMage the Ascension 20th AnniversaryVampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary EditionVampire: The Masquerade 5th EditionWraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary EditionHunter: The ReckoningA Song of Ice and Fire RPGCall of CthulhuDungeon WorldDungeons & Dragons 5eBlades in the DarkExalted 2nd EditionWarhammer 40,000 RoleplayStar Wars 5ePathfinder 1ePathfinder 2e

Play Style



Greetings and beyond the news weary traveler! I am Silas, a seasoned GM of 6-7 years give or take. It's been awhile since I first started taking an interest in roleplaying games and a bit longer to actually start playing. I am well versed in D&D 5e and knowledgable enough about 3.5 to run it but it has been some time. I primarily find myself loving the World of Darkness franchise more as I like the more Grim and bleak setting. I am capable of running most of the splats except Werewolf and Changeling. Werewolf has never interested me in any great capacity and it is hard to find a proper game of Changeling to play in to see it run as intended. I do know even Mummy but that's an ancient one. My favorite systems in the World of Darkness franchise are Wraith, V20, HH2, and Demon. Mage is a new joy I am still working out how to run a proper game of but I will conquer it in time. I recently discovered this site as of me making this GM profile. I will be trying out my hand at running games for more select audiences and see if I can offer anything new to this fascinating place. I look forward to working with you all! Discord hub:

Gaming Style

I am big into getting into character and playing darker themed games but am perfectly capable of being light hearted as well. I can make some voices but am no voice actor. I am also big on tactics and strategy. If you like a good mystery, I can make one with no issue. I like to run games with a bigger story unfolding behind the scenes and it to be litered with puzzles in a rather sandbox fashion. Decisions and freedom are what truly make players explore a world and do things. I just simply put plot hooks in to help you along. If the player is not willing to play a character then it will be difficult.

Game experience

Too much. I enjoy table top far too much. If you have a system you want to try and I don’t know how to run it just ask. I’ll run it probably!


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