Price per player-session
You will be charged 48h before the game starts
As you watch in horror, a dark mist rolls around you, surrounding you. Suddenly, the trees are different. The road looks strange. Where are you? Your character is not familiar with Barovia and has never heard of this land or Strahd. We are about halfway through this adventure but there is still a lot of story left to tell. Hi, I'm Katy, and I will be your Game Master for this adventure. I've taken the much-beloved hardcover module Curse of Strahd and made some tweaks, adjustments, and additions. Using content from third parties, older editions, and some original material of my own creation, I've expanded this module to culminate at level 15. The campaign will probably take two years to complete, possibly longer. This is a dark horror campaign. We will be using Saftey Tools to ensure everyone's enjoyment, but I do expect everyone to lean into the horror aspects and keep the tone serious. We will be using Milestones to level up. Any material printed by Wizard's for player use for 5th edition is available for use, as well as a collection of third-party material I have cultivated. Sessions will be 3 hours with a short break somewhere near the midpoint. Even if you have played or run Curse of Strahd before, I encourage you to apply. This game is LGBTQ+ friendly
- You will need a mic and headphones or headset of some kind - You will need a Forge VTT account as that is the service I use to manage player log in and keep my game secure - You will need a D&D Beyond account as that is where we manage our characters and level up - More preparation details are found in the discord server