Price per player-session
You will be charged 48h before the game starts
The Mirkwood Campaign is a complete campaign framework for Adventures in Middle-Earth, set in and around Mirkwood, played out over the course of three decades. Follow your heroes in their quest as the tale of years unfolds. Visit the Parliament of Spiders, do battle with the Nazgul, meddle in the affairs of wizards and enter the Halls of King Thranduil. Stand firm against the Shadow and maybe the Darkening of Mirkwood can be averted. Falter for even a moment and all that you know, and love will be lost. The necromancer may have been cast of Dol Guldur, but a lingering darkness remains over Mirkwood, a shadow that will grow ever longer as the years draw on - unless a fellowship of heroes step forward and hold back the gloom. The cultures and classes in the Player's Guide describe the ways that the Free Folk can fight back against the encroaching Shadow. Build starting characters to the standards set in the Adventures in Middle Earth Player's Guide. The Scholar uncovers the secrets of the past and is wise in lore. The Warden kindles the spirits of allies and guards the hearth-fire. The Wanderer travels the wide and lonely world, bringing news from one settlement to the next. The Slayer fights mostly alone, or in the company of fellow warriors, while the Warrior rallies allies. The Treasure Hunter, meanwhile, reclaims that which has been taken by servants of the Enemy. Each class gives mastery over certain weapons and skills, as well as other unique talents.
The first session will give you all you need for this but really all I would require from you is a generated character (or except a pre-generated character) as well as a fantastic disposition and a willingness to follow what the fates decree!
All times shown in your local timezone